בע"ה כ"א תמוז תשפ"ד
הרשמה לניוזלטר שלנו

“An unprecedented step”

Anger among Jewish Communities in Samaria: General Fuchs intends to issue an administrative distancing order against Neria Ben-Pazi

The Central Commander announced his intention to bar Ben Pazi, a farm owner in Binyamin, from the region using an administrative order. This is an unprecedented step as Ben Pazi is known as a key and moderate figure who is connected to many senior officials in the defense establishment

  • Hakol Hayehudi
  • כ"ג כסלו תשפ"ד - 08:46 06/12/2023
גודל: א א א
 (דר משה גולדברג)
(דר משה גולדברג)

An escalation in the confrontation with farms in Judea and Samaria: Neria Ben Pazi, owner of ‘HaMahoch’ farm in Binyamin, received notice from the Central Commander General Yehuda Fuchs, that he intends to issue an administrative order barring him from the region, subject to a hearing.

Ben Pazi, married and a father of five, is a well-known and highly influential figure in the agricultural community with senior IDF officers and prominent political figures regularly visiting his farm. Ben Pazi cultivates extensive farmlands and manages numerous herds of sheep and cattle. The expected administrative order against him by Brigadier General Fuchs is likely to distance him from his home, family, and farm, posing a mortal threat to the Jewish community in the Kokhav Hashahar area.

Other farms operating in Judea and Samaria were shocked at the intention to distance Ben Pazi and see General Fuchs’ notice as an unprecedented step against agriculture in Judea and Samaria. Other farmers note, that in the past, the Central Commanders often supported local farms by encouraging youth to work in agriculture and livestock farming, before they later joined the IDF. Now the farmers say that General Fuchs is changing that, threatening the farms' growth and destroying the sensitive trust that has been built with Jewish youth in the region over the years.

What the media doesn’t report

Attorney Nati Rom from the Honenu organization, representing Neria Ben Pazi, said, "This is the same mistaken conception of the Shin Bet that unfortunately continues to this day in Judea and Samaria." 

He notes, “My client has done nothing wrong. He has provided a full account  regarding unsubstantiated allegations raised against him in a brief investigation. It seems that someone is trying to convict him without a trial and use the Central Commander as a rubber stamp in part of a draconian process. This is fundamentally flawed. Ben Pazi is a loyal citizen who does not engage in criminal activities, a farmer who lives with his family. To uproot such a person, especially in a time of war, is something that should not be done. Unfortunately, there are those in the Shin Bet who still maintain the previous conception even after the events of October 7th.”

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