בע"ה כ"א תמוז תשפ"ד
הרשמה לניוזלטר שלנו


Hakol HaYehudi Investigation: Pro-Hamas Foreign Activists Affiliated with the International Solidarity Movement Agitate against IDF in Judea and Samaria During the War

These are the radical activists who support attacking Israel from Syria, who counter Israeli left-wingers calling for US support against Hezbollah, and who riot against the IDF in Judea and Samaria in the midst of the war.

  • Hakol Hayehudi
  • כ"ה חשון תשפ"ד - 12:00 09/11/2023
גודל: א א א

Hakol HaYehudi investigation: These are the activists of the International Solidarity Movement (ISM) that are operating in Israel. The ISM was exposed through undercover work by the Ad Kan Organization and Zvi Yehezkeli at channel 13. The organization was demonstrated to cooperate with Hamas against Israel.

ISM activists currently in Israel are largely located in Judea and Samaria and many of them explicitly support Hamas, and even Hezbollah in their attacks against Israel. Likewise, one ISM activist even attacked an Israeli left-winger online for supporting attacking Hezbollah. One ISM activist, who came here to assist Arabs during the olive harvest said that the US should not defend Israel. In another post, she praised the attacks on Israel from Syria.

The activists’ goal is to delegitimize Israel through fake news that advances Hamas’ agenda online and providing ‘updates’ from the field. These false ‘updates’ from the field are part of the current campaign about ‘settler violence’ that has been spread among Israeli left-wing activists and reached US officials.

In one case, ISM activists and Israeli leftists approached an IDF post near the Jewish community of Maon and harassed the soldiers who were on patrol guarding there given the serious security situation during the war.

Some of the radical Israeli activists that collaborate with ISM are supporters of BDS. Among these is Neta Golan, who is among the founders of ISM and who on Oct. 7th changed her Facebook profile photo to an image of the tractor from Gaza destroying the security fence allowing hundreds of terrorists to break through.

Another ISM activist is Yasmeen Eran Vardi, who lives in the village of Al-Tawani, and wears a necklace shaped like all of Israel, but painted with the colors of the PLO flag. Lastly, an activist who operates mainly in the Jordan Valley is Guy Hirschfeld who has referred to the IDF as “the army of Jewish terror”, and whom has spoken against the IDF to foreign journalists.


What the media doesn’t report



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