The State Prosecution previously announced that it would indict Ekrima Sabri, but then reversed course. However, in its most recent update, the Supreme Court Division of the State Prosecution has now informed the court that it will ultimately indict Sabri on two charges of incitement to terror.
The Lavi organization said in response: Ekrima Sabri has followed the path of the notorious Mufti Amin al-Husseini, who continuously incited for the murder of Jews. The time has come for justice to be served. We commend the Israeli police and the State Prosecution on their decision to prosecute Ekrima Sabri. We thank the attorneys Eran Ben-Ari and Asaf Techelet who filed our appeal with the Supreme Court. We also thank HaKol HaYehudi for their investigations into Sabri,, as well as the organizations Im Tirzu and Yours Jerusalem, and the Choosing Life Forum for their efforts culminating in this indictment.
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HaKol HaYehudi’s Investigations
Here at HaKol HaYehudi, we extensively reported on Sabri’s activities and how his incitement had a concrete impact on the Arab street in Jerusalem and across the country.
Among other findings, we exposed that Sabri repeatedly praised terrorists, including Udai Tammimi, who murdered the soldier Noa Lazar in Shuafat. Sabri even paid a visit Tammimi's family.
During his visit, Sabri spoke about the glory of being a martyr, praised the parents of the martyrs, and said, "The father and mother of a martyr will also have a part in his paradise, in a palace specially prepared for them, the 'Palace of Praise'." Sabri also stated that if people knew the extent of the martyr's glory, they would carry out attacks themselves.
In another case, Sabri participated via a video link in the Iranian Al-Quds Day alongside leaders of Hezbollah, the Houti rebels in Yemen, Hamas, and Islamic Jihad. In a promo video for the conference shown on Hezbollah's Al-Maidan channel asked, "Is a regional war in the offing due to the attacks on the Al-Aqsa Mosque?" Hezbollah fighters were then seen firing missiles towards Israel. Sabri's recorded speech was broadcast alongside speeches by leaders of terrorist organizations including Hassan Nasrallah from Hezbollah, Ramdan Shalah of the Islamic Jihad, and Ismail Haniyeh of Hamas. Sabri also participated in conference by the Islamic Jihad in Gaza.
Another investigation by journalist Netanel Bendel revealed that Israeli Supreme Court Judge Khaled Kabub met with Sabri and with Usef Muchmir, chairman of the Murbiditin organization affiliated with the Palestinian Authority. At the meeting, the judge was given a plaque in recognition of his father's activities, who "guarded the mosques and holy places in Jaffa," according to the inscription. Kabub was photographed with the plaque, on which symbols of Muchmir and Sabri's organizations also appear.
One investigation into Sabri revealed that his house near the Beit Orot neighborhood and the Hebrew University was illegally constructed. Multiple demolition orders were issued for the house but were never carried out. Following HaKol HaYehudi’s investigation, the police announced that they intend to demolish it.
Arafat and Erdogan's Man
Sabri was appointed by Arafat to serve as the Mufti of Jerusalem on behalf of the Palestinian Authority, and over the years, he regularly incited against Israel including issuing a religious justification for suicide bombings during the Second Intifada, and writing anti-Semitic publications that echo the Protocols of the Elders of Zion.
In recent years, Sabri has become Erdogan's man in Israel. Due to his deep ties with the Muslim Brotherhood, Sabri's entry into the Netherlands was banned, creating a bizarre situation in which Sabri operated freely in Israel, while abroad he was recognized as a terrorist.
Sabri's name rose to prominence a few years ago during the conflict over metal detectors at the entrance to the Temple Mount after a Druze policemen was killed. Sabri issued a religious ruling - a "fatwa" - prohibiting Muslims from passing through the metal detectors. Following his statement, severe riots erupted in East Jerusalem, and as a result, the Israeli government capitulated and removed the metal detectors.
Continuous Incitement
It should be noted that Sabri continues to incite even today. The Yours Jerusalem organization, which has reported on Sabri’s incitement for years, reported that Sabri joined a call by Hamas for Muslims to come to the Temple Mount on a Friday one month ago. Sabri issued an Islamic ruling that whoever is blocked by the Israeli army from arriving should pray at the checkpoint, and that it would be considered as if he prayed at the Al-Aqsa Mosque. Sabri’s ruling represented yet another attempt to bring the violence in Gaza to Jerusalem and form a united front against Israel.